Meet the GMs

Did you know that the acronym "GM" means "Game Master", or "Master of the Game", in Portuguese? However, this does not mean that our GMs rule the game or that they can do whatever they want. In fact, they have the role of guardians, as a kind of law enforcement officer, who exists to guarantee the smooth running of the game and, for this reason, they must be considered and respected as authorities.

All GMs are trained to perform their role and follow specific rules. The GM team has several tasks, such as:

-> Participate in matches with players to check that everything is ok with the game and ensure that everyone is having fun and playing cleanly
-> Help organize events, participating in special matches, which are worth prizes for players
-> Monitor the game's Chat Lobby
-> Monitor matches without actively participating in them

How to Identify a GM?

The Duel GMs have, as a difference from other players, the TAG [GM] in their identification.

Only our GMs can create characters using this TAG. In addition, our team is also part of the 'STAFF' clan, made up of all members of the game's Staff, in addition to having The Duel icon next to their name.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that GMs will always have the hidden level represented by "--".

Attention: If a player who does not have a hidden level, TAG [GM] and is not in this clan tries to pretend to be a GM, don't be fooled! Report it to our Support Center, taking a screenshot or recording a video to serve as proof!

What doesn't a GM do?

GMs are trained and perform their work in an impartial and standardized manner. That includes:

-> Never modify player or clan profile information
-> Never reveal or ask for personal information (name, age, etc.)
-> Never donate or sell items, Cash or any other benefit
-> Never contact a player using a character other than the GM
-> Never ask for your password

How to contact our team?

When they are in the game, GMs are usually already taking care of a specific task, so they are busy.

The correct way to contact our team through our Support Center

Whenever there is any irregularity within the game, non-compliance with the rules or need for support, don't hesitate, contact us!
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