



 Ranking Individual

Rank Nome Lvl
[Less] 97
aloneforever 71
__Tzekos__ 82
[N]ingue[M] 66
l0_0l 92


Ranking VIP

Rank Nome Lvl
Danger 73
DNK 79
Toriko 69
Spy 46


Ranking de Clãs

Rank Nome Pontos
[codigos] 1.108
Choraivos 1.050
Raza 1.042
Chinelada 1.012
Macacos69 1.008

Search the ranking of vip players:

# Name Level Experience Win Losses
1 TERREMOTO 78 196.886.794 31.242 18.771
2 Danger 73 110.991.984 205.056 113.503
3 DNK 79 198.533.671 217.209 119.823
4 Toriko 69 61.817.202 29.976 31.576
5 Spy 46 8.267.019 12.963 6.781
6 Flash 98 64.638 876
7 [[Alana]] 95 814.398.354 0 0
8 Dailyne 92 644.640.188 99.421 274.848
9 [MundoPreto] 87 411.280.802 105.180 91.062
10 NubinhaS2 86 392.571.855 10.644 11.164
11 Mtv 85 348.251.764 79.151 42.905
12 Suphery 78 190.457.772 49.082 50.453
13 Jaaan 77 159.142.823 42.030 45.826
14 SayajinGod 75 135.283.646 21.741 12.685
15 FunkyDunky 70 74.861.663 1.489 983
16 kS]_GeLaTiNa 68 56.505.491 29.964 15.096
17 Burgz 67 47.875.511 23.826 16.318
18 SeijurouHiko 66 45.118.665 12.640 4.926
19 FlashReverso 66 43.631.359 310 268
20 SrKamy 65 36.314.448 539 1.220
21 Northwick 65 36.011.298 13.693 10.541
22 Firegorni 62 29.128.325 10.513 10.099
23 Scytrox 62 27.195.823 8.630 7.493
24 Caleb 61 25.722.124 7.065 5.859
25 leonpyro 61 25.185.831 2.998 1.962
1 2 3 4
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